White Label PPC Pricing for
Agencies at $100

White Label PPC Cost for Agencies

White Label PPC Pricing models include fixed fee pricing, percentage of ad-spend, performance based pricing, milestone based pricing and hourly pricing. We offer fixed fee and percentage of Ad spend models for White Label PPC Services. Our White Label PPC cost starts at $100 for fixed fee and 2.5% of ad-spend for percentage options.

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Why White Label PPC
Fixed Fee Pricing for White Label PPC

Fixed Fee Pricing for White Label PPC

The fixed fee pricing model involves a predetermined monthly fee for managing the client’s PPC campaigns, regardless of the ad spend. For instance, if an agency charges $1,000 per month for PPC management, the client pays this amount consistently.

The benefit of fixed fee pricing for white label PPC is that the fee remains constant until the ad-spend reaches the limit. For example if your client has a fixed budget you can go for the fixed fee pricing. The fixed fee pricing model involves a monthly fee for managing your client’s PPC campaigns, regardless of the ad spend.

Accounts with smaller budgets are best suited for a fixed fee model to ensure cost effectiveness.

Percentage of Ad Spend Pricing

The percentage of ad spend pricing model charges a percentage of the ad-spend. This percentage may vary with the ad-spend. The higher the ad-spend lower the percentage and vice-versa. Your client decides when they have to increase, decrease budgets or pause the campaigns. Since both the agency’s revenue is dependent on ad-spend, this pricing model motivates the agency to dive deep into campaigns to obtain max ROI (Return on Investment). Suitable for clients who need frequent changes in ad spend due to seasonal promotions or other factors.
Percentage of Ad Spend Pricing
Hourly Pricing for White Label PPC

Hourly Pricing for White Label PPC

Hourly pricing model involves splitting up the PPC campaign management into various tasks, determine the expected work hours for every task and based on the complexity fix the hourly rates for each task. This is a high maintenance pricing model which requires project managers from the outsourcing agency and white label agency to sit together discuss the time for the tasks, complexity of tasks and come up with a pricing for individual tasks. There are so many variables to work with which may lead to uncertainties in budget.

Hourly pricing model will be suitable for large diversified white label PPC campaigns where the complexities of job range from basic to expert levels.

Performance Based Pricing for White Label PPC

Performance based pricing model rewards the agency when certain milestone is achieved or the ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) surpass a certain percentage or CPL cost reduced below a given figure. While this looks lucrative for agency owners as they will be rewarded for efficient optimization of PPC campaigns and reduce wastage it has some disadvantages. The major problem is that the real ROAS cannot be determined as the customer may buy later directly after visiting the site from PPC campaign. This can be tracked through analytics but it is very cumbersome and in some cases they may have closed the purchase after visiting through various channels. Another issue is the tracking code implementation and quality of leads.


Performance Based Pricing for White Label PPC

Our Pricing for White Label PPC

We have kept our pricing simple with a fixed fee and a percentage model.

Monthly Ad Spend


Australia (AUD)


Up to A$1200


A$1200 - A$3000


A$3001 - A$10000

A$229 or 3.5% of Ad Spend (whichever is higher)

A$10001 - A$15000

A$350 or 3% of Ad Spend (whichever is higher)

Above A$15001

A$450 or 2.5% of Ad Spend (whichever is higher) or Custom Quote

United Kingdom (GBP)


Up to £1200


 £1201 -  £3000


 £3001 -  £10000

£149 or 3.5% of Ad Spend (whichever is higher)

 £10001 -  £15000

£350 or 3% of Ad Spend (whichever is higher)

Above A$15001

£450 or 2.5% of Ad Spend (whichever is higher) or Custom Quote

New Zealand (NZD)


Up to NZ$1200


 NZ$1200 -  NZ$3000


 NZ$3001 -  NZ$10000

NZ$249 or 3.5% of Ad Spend (whichever is higher)

 NZ$10001 - NZ$15000

NZ$350 or 3% of Ad Spend (whichever is higher)

Above  NZ$15001

NZ$450 or 2.5% of Ad Spend (whichever is higher) or Custom Quote

United States (USD)

Ad spend upto $1000


$1000 to $2000


$2000 to $3000


$3000 to $4000


$4000 to $5000


$5000 to $10000

3.5% of Ad spend

$10000 to $15000

3% of Ad spend

Above $15000

2.5% of Ad Spend or Custom Quote

Which Platforms do you Provide White Label PPC Service?

We are recognised as ‘Elite Agency Partner’ which is a prestigious award given to only very few PPC Agencies! We stand TALL among our peers in Google best practices, innovation & Customer satisfaction.

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